April17, 2020
As you may know, a few weeks ago we suspended registration for the track season, pending decisions to be made at the local, state and even federal level. In this very uncertain time, we wanted to be sure we gave every opportunity to providing some version of a spring season, if possible.
Unfortunately, we have received word from CYO of Nassau & Suffolk that they have decided there will be no Regional or Finals this year and therefore we as a board have agreed that we will not hold a spring track season at the parish level
We will issue refunds to all who have paid already. Please be patient with us, we are also working on refunding other programs, such as volleyball at the same time.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I know I can speak for Coach Tom as well when I say that we will truly miss you and our runners this spring and we hope to see everyone back out on the track next year. To our 8th graders, we know next year you will not be part of our program, but we hope you consider coming back to volunteer with us if you need community service (or just because you miss us)!
In the meantime, be safe, stay healthy and if there is anything we can do to help you, please let us know.
Be well.
Coach Amy
Girls Coach/Track Coordinator