Acceptable standards of coaching behavior include:
Set a good example for participants and fans to follow, exemplifying the highest moral and ethical behavior.
Respect the judgment of officials, abide by rules of the event.
Treat opposing coaches, participants and fans with respect.
Instruct participants in sportsmanship and demand they display good sportsmanship.
Coach in a positive manner, reflecting Christian values.
In basketball and volleyball, remain seated on the bench at all times except in the instances in the National Federation Basketball Rulebook
Any coach ejected from a game (match) because of unsportsmanlike conduct will be suspended for the next two games (matches) and may be subject to additional penalties.
Any coach who physically abuses another person may be suspended for the remainder of the season and may be disqualified from CYO participation.
Any coach who physically abuses an official will be suspended for the remainder of the season and may be disqualified from CYO participation.
Coaches Certification Workshops will be held prior to the beginning of each sport season. Coaches who attend a Coaches Certification Workshop, and meet other program requirements, will be certified to coach for that school year. Attendance at a Workshop during that school year and prior to that sport season is mandatory for all coaches and assistant coaches. Coaches must attend the entire workshop to be certified. (Without certified coaches, a school/parish cannot field teams for that sport.)
Workshops include CYO philosophy, sport-specific rules and first aid. Coaches must also complete diocesan safe environment training prior to certification. Information on dates and locations of workshops will be available to the athletic directors and posted on the CYO Website prior to each sport season.
Certification cards are presented to coaches at the end of the workshop. All coaches should bring their certification cards with them to all the games and be prepared to present them to game officials when requested. Failure to present a card within 48 hours will result in a forfeit for the team. All persons on the bench or actively coaching (excluding team members and scorekeepers) must have a valid certification card.
Certified coaches must be of high school age or older. Coaches must complete diocesan screening requirements, be approved to coach by their parish and agree to follow the Diocese "Code of Conduct Involving Interactions with Minors."
(from CYO Bylaws Article XVII)
Practice and game activities are allowable only during the official season for that sport. Seasons for CYO Sports shall be defined by the Diocesan CYO Calendar as starting on the date listed for official practice for that sport to begin. Team activities shall end on the date listed on the calendar or on the last day of diocesan playoffs.
Practice is the association of a coach or coaches with a potential team member or members for the purpose of teaching the mental or physical skills of a CYO sport. The Diocesan CYO Director has the power of interpretation of the definition of practice. Any specific exceptions to the definition should be referred to the Diocesan CYO Office.
A coach may not require any CYO team member to participate or practice in a non-CYO sport league.
CYO Parishes and Schools may not:
sponsor nor provide resources (facilities, uniforms, equipment etc.) for practice by a team or team members outside
the season of the sport; -
sponsor a team outside of the season of that sport or sponsor an individual or group for competition outside of the official season;
pay entry fees for a team or individual or group for competition outside the season;
recruit or encourage a coach to supervise a team outside the season.
A CYO coach may coach a team outside the season for a sport provided the following conditions are met:
He/she may only coach players from his/her CYO team on an outside team less than the number of players on the court for that sport (e.g. a basketball coach may only coach up to four CYO players on an outside team);
He/she may not use parish resources (i.e. facilities, funds, equipment, uniforms, etc.);
He/she does not represent the team as a CYO or parish team or use the parish name as the team name.
Summer sports skills clinics or activities outside the regular season, are permissible only if permission is granted for the program by the sponsoring parish, the Diocesan CYO Office and the Diocesan Insurance office. and:
The activity is advertised to youth outside the sponsoring parish or coaches program;
Attendance is not mandatory for future participation;
The intent of the activity is to not directly coach or instruct team members or prospective team members from their own parish
Penalties: Teams violating this rule will be subject to suspension, probation or disqualification from diocesan playoffs. Coaches in violation shall be subject to probation, suspension or disqualification from CYO participation. The league shall assess the intent of the violation and assign appropriate penalties
Coaches are required to arrange and to lead a formal meeting with their team's parents prior to the start of the season. The purpose of the parent meeting is to explain the philosophy and goals of the CYO program, to communicate the coaching philosophy, goals and methods, and to inform parents of team and program policies.
Coaches and team parents are required to annually attend a Parent-Coach Meeting, sponsored by the team or parish.
To familiarize parents with the purpose, goals and objectives of participation in CYO sports.
To enable parents to support their child in a positive manner and without undue pressure on the child.
To introduce parents to positive coaching philosophy, team rules, game and practice procedures and allocation of playing time. To emphasize the need to be good spectators.
To organize assistance from parents to support the team in a variety of tasks.
To provide an avenue for feedback and communication. m To discuss safety concerns, inherent risks of the sport, concussion awareness and medical considerations.
WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS (5 minutes) Introduce coaches to the parents and the parents to each
another. PHILOSOPHY OF THE CYO PROGRAM (10 minutes) Ideas to Mention: CYO is a ministry of the Church, providing children an opportunity to meet and to play in a Christian environment. Children are treated by coaches and parents in a positive, encouraging manner, building self-esteem. Children are friends with their teammates and are encouraged to make friends with players from other teams, playing without belittling anyone. All should grow closer to God and to each other, building the team and the league as a Christian community. -
PHILOSOPHY OF THE COACH (10 minutes) Ideas to Mention: Coaching will be positive and noncritical. Attention will be given to all athletes regardless of talent. Each player will be treated with respect. Explain how play- ing time will be allocated among players. Discuss team goals for the season.
“NUTS AND BOLTS” ISSUES (10 minutes) • Safety Issues – Permission Forms, first aid and safety
procedures, concussion awareness, inherent risks of the
sport discussed. • Practice schedule – schedule, procedure for changes,
expected conduct, arrival and departure process. • Uniforms – issue and return process, expected care. • Game schedules – when to arrive, transportation, game
change notification procedure. • Transportation policy. -
CYO CODE OF CONDUCT (10 minutes) The“CYO Code of Conduct” is read with expected behavior for coaches, players and spectators discussed. Discuss game officials and the need to respect them at all times!
SPORT STRATEGY AND RULES (10 minutes) Explain the strategy of the sport and those rules that par- ents need to be aware of to positively support the sport and to practice good sportsmanship. Cover any rule changes from the previous year.
PROBLEM RESOLUTION (10 minutes) Discuss the procedure for resolution of problem situations. Discuss how decisions are made on the team.