Each league sets team fees to cover the cost of officials, gyms, awards and other league expenses.
Please visit one of St. Raymond's leagues to see specific posted fees.
Coaches are responsible to provide a safe playing environment and to be prepared to give emergency care to injured players. Providing a safe playing environment includes:
Have available a current “Parental Permission, Health Authorization and Release form” for each player;
Check the playing facility prior to each activity and correct any possible hazards before play;
Arrive prior to the first participant and stay until each participant leaves the facility. Have a clear transfer of control from parent/guardian to coach before each activity and from coach to parent/guardian following each activity.
Be aware of each participant and constantly evaluate athletes for injury or incapacity. Be certain that they are able to participate safely;
Plan each activity and closely supervise each player;
Be prepared to give emergency care by:
having an adequate first aid kit and phone available;
discussing emergency procedures in advance with players and coaches;
having a person available who is trained in CPR /first aid.
Report all injuries to the athletic director;
Explain safety rules and warn of inherent risks of the sport to the players and to the parents;
Promote proper warm-up and cool down;
Match or equate athletes by size and skill level;
Provide adequate conditioning.
Each participant must have completed and returned the "Parental Permission, Health Authorization and Release Form" prior to joining the athletic program.
The form explains liabilities involved and obtains parental permission for the child to participate. It may allow emergency medical treatment on the participant if a parent is not available. This form must be signed by parents or a legal guardian before a player is allowed to participate in either a practice session or a game. The coach must keep a copy for each player and carry them to all functions (games, practices, tournaments, etc.)
A medical examination section is provided on the form. CYO recommends it be completed, however, this is at the option of the parish/school or parent/guardian. Concussion Information Sheet – It is required that each athlete and his/her parents/legal guardians annually read, sign and return the CYO Concussion Awareness Sheet.
CYO discourages players, coaches, spectators and family members from using technology in irresponsible ways relative to their CYO participation. CYO will hold all users responsible for their published words if they adversely affect individual teams, parishes and schools, leagues. sports officials, team members and families.
Players who attend St. Raymond's Elementary School and play for a St. Raymond's CYO team, are covered by the parochial school insurance policy for their interscholastic sports participation. Claims should be directed to and handled by the elementary school of the participant. For players who belong to a parish team, the parish subscribes to CYO insurance cover- age. It is mandatory that each parish CYO program subscribe to this program.
Any injury to a coach, participant or spectator requiring professional medical attention must be reported to the parish athletic director. The athletic director must report the injury to the Diocesan Office of Insurance and Benefits by completing the CYO Accident Report Form, available on the CYO website.
The CYO calendar includes dates when practice may begin for each sport, for coaches workshops, for the beginning and ending of league play, and for playoffs. Games are scheduled by each league. A designated league official develops and publishes the schedule of games and coordinates reschedules. Each league has its own policy regarding allowable instances when games may be rescheduled. Questions by a coach or parent regarding the schedule should be addressed to the athletic director.
All games and practices are to be scheduled to be completed prior to 10 p.m. on a school night.