Q. - How long does a swim meet last?
-Meets usually last about 2 to 2 1/2 hours.
Q. - What about inclement weather?
-For clinic practices if it is thundering or lightning out practice is cancelled. This is not
automatic for swim meets and indoor practices however. We do not swim if it is not safe! If it is
inclement weather, practice will be held at the coach's discretion. If a practice or meet is
canceled it will be updated via email. Be sure to check often.
Q. -Are we required to volunteer at a swim meet?
-No, but we encourage all families to get involved and we need you! Timers, runners, locker
room attendant, ribbon writers and more are needed at each home and away meet. Be sure to
check with Jim Hunter and your athlete's coach to schedule. The sooner you volunteer the more
choices you have to fit your schedule!
Q.- What kind of fund raising is expected?
- No fund raisers
Q.- How do we order a swimsuit?
-Once we start practicing at Hofstra (early November) all athletes will be sized and ordering
will be taken in order to have all suits ordered for first meet.
Q. -What should be worn to practices?
-A comfortable suit (preferably not your team suit), goggles and a swim cap. It is a
good idea to bring a sweatshirt or pants in case it is chilly out of the water.