Don't be afraid to get involved-- even if you've never been to a swim meet in your life.
Have plenty of water available for your swimmer.
Ask questions often.
Have an extra suit for practices, rather than their team suit, it will prolong the life of the
team suit.
Rinse your team suit in cold water after each use and hang to dry (not in the sun).
Always encourage your swimmer to do his or her best before every race.
Be aware of when your child swims, so that she or he doesn't miss her or his race.
The coaches decide who will swim, and what events they will swim, PRIOR to the meet. If your
swimmer is expected and does not show, last minute changes create a "domino" effect which
must be addressed. This is very disruptive to the start of the meet.
Always check for relays! If your swimmer is scheduled to swim in a relay he/she must stay at
the meet until the completion of the relay! There are 4 swimmers on a relay! The swimmers
count on each other to be there and to try their best!
Know that your swimmer will not be perfect in every race. There are many requirements for each stroke to be completed without disqualification. Your swimmer will learn these in time.
Expect your swimmer to be DQ'd the first few times she or he swims an event, and praise her/
him when she/he completes a race without disqualification! Even the most experienced
swimmers are DQ 'd.
There are limited races and heats in each meet. Your swimmer will not swim in every
event. Expect I or 2 races which include the relays.
Never discuss issues with the coach during meets, practice, or around your swimmer. Please
schedule a time to meet that works for both you and the coach!
Make the season FUN for you and your swimmer!
Smile! You're going to love it ...
Check it Out/Settle In
Find a seat with swimmers from your team. Swim Lineups will be communicated to each
swimmer by their coaches at each meet.
Each race is divided into 2 parts, Event/Stroke/Lane.
The Events swam are
Free and Medley relays
Scan the lineup for your swimmer's entries, record the Event, Heat & Lane on scrap paper.
Coaches will use a black pen or sharpie marker to write each event on each child's hand For
example, if Ashley is in Event #5, 25 Freestyle, Lane # 6, 25 Breaststroke and Free
Relay, then I would write that on her arm like so:
Event Lane Stroke
5 6 25 Fr
22 3 25 Br
68 4 Rly- Fr
Find the Team!
Tell your athlete to head over to the rest of the team and to TELL THE COACH THAT HE/SHE
IS THERE AND IS READY TO SWIM! The coaches will be looking to see who is there so they
can determine who will swim in the relays. They have to know who has shown up!
Stay Alert and Cheer Them On!
Some events run faster than others. During a meet, the swimmer must line up in his/her
appropriate lane one or two Events prior to his/her scheduled event. If your swimmer misses it, he/she will NOT have the opportunity to make
it up.
CHEER! them on, congratulate, console if necessary but never, NEVER coach. Our coaches ask
that each athlete come directly to them after his/her race so that they can tell them how to do
better, congratulate them, whatever is necessary. The main thing is that your athlete realizes that
he/she is there to beat his/her own times and if in doing that he/she also beats other athletes, well
then! What an achievement! But pouting, getting angry, scowling, crying and worst of all
bragging is unsportsmanlike conduct and parents must avoid it at all costs!
Try to teach your swimmer to be a good sport & to congratulate the swimmer who wins.
Someday it will be your child's turn to be the one congratulated and boy, does it feel good!
Knit, Read, Write, Snooze, Etc.
Expect 2 ~hours or more! Swim meets are not known for their brevity. Bring something to
occupy the time while you wait for your swimmer to swim again. Play cards, read the paper,
complain about the Jets, write your Mother, address Christmas cards, file your nails, torture
your other children. Bring extra towels or blankets to sit upon to prevent bleacher buns. Sit with
other Saint Raymond's Swim Team parents & get to know each other.