Scratch Sheet Procedure:
Most people are not aware of how much work goes into making a line up for meets. Many factors are considered, such as relay teams, number of events per swimmer, and the need for a valid time. In each event for swimmers to compete at Championships.
You may wonder why we focus so much attention on line-ups, but hours of preparation go into each meet. Many times, that preparation is wasted when children show up to swim unannounced, or fail to show up for a meet. We always try our best to accommodate these kids. But it remains a significant problem.
One lineup change causes a domino effect within the age group.
Last minute illness should he reported via email to Swimming@SaintRaymonds.org .With
your cooperation,
Practice is scheduled Sundays from Sept thru December. It is important for your child to attend
as many practices as possible.
The more they attend, the more they will learn about each stroke and how to complete it without
Swim Meet
Your athlete should wear his/her swimsuit to the meet: do not plan on time to change at the pool!
Your Athlete's Swim Bag should contain: (label everything: bags, goggles, towels, and t-shirts
look alike)
Your Team suit; a spare suit
Your Team swim cap (should have 2- they tear easily!)
2 pair (minimum- straps break!) goggles; always alternate 2 pair during practice:
NEVER wear untested, new goggles at a meet.
Deck sandals (to avoid cuts)
2 Towels
Something warm: warm up suit, sweats, etc.
Water bottle
Swim shampoo, conditioner, hairbrush, comb, contact solution, girls-only stuff, deodorant, and other toiletries
A DRY Change of clothes for after the meet
Things to pass the time! Bring cards, gameboys, homework, books.
INHALERS: If your child is asthmatic, this is the most important thing they own.
Different environments have different triggers that can set off an attack.
Tell the coach(es) if your child has asthma & where his/her inhaler is!
DQ - Disqualification- Swim does not count because of an infraction of the rules
EVENT - any race or series of races in a given stroke or distance
HEATS - a division of an event in which there are too many swimmers to compete at one
LANE - the specific area in which the swimmer is assigned to swim
LANE LINE- continuous floating markers attached to a line stretched from the starting
end to the turning end for the purpose of separating each lane
SCRATCH- Removing a swimmer's name from the roster for that meet's date before the
formal lineup is made