If CYO is to reflect Christian values, coaches must emphasize good sportsmanship. Coaches model sportsmanlike behavior to all. They set sportsman- ship goals and discuss proper conduct with their teams. Taunting, baiting and rough play will not be tolerated.
BY SPECTATORS: All spectators at CYO events must practice good sportsmanship. Spectators must cheer positively and must never shout derogatory remarks to coaches, opposing players, other spectators, or game officials. At their Preseason Parent Meeting, coaches must emphasize good spectator behavior by explaining the proper spectator behavior in the CYO Code of Conduct. Coaches are responsible for the behavior of their spectators and should act immediately to stop any unruly behavior.
TO REFEREES: Coaches, players, and spectators should never show disrespect to officials. Coaches, players or spectators may never approach game officials after a contest for explanations of calls
or to comment on the game.
Acceptable standards of participant behavior include:
Treat opponents with respect; shake hands prior to and after contests.
Respect the judgment of officials and abide by the rules of the contest. q Accept seriously the responsibility of representing the school or parish by displaying positive behavior at all times.
Play in a positive manner, reflecting Christian values.
Do not bait or taunt opponents.
Any player ejected from a game (match) because of unsportsmanlike conduct will be suspended from the next game (match) and may be subject to additional penalties.
Any player who physically abuses another player, participant or official may be suspended from play for the remainder of the season and may be disqualified from CYO competition.
Always play by the rules
Never argue with an official. When a call is disputed, I will let the coach handle it
Remember that I am swimming because I enjoy the sport. Winning is fun, but so are many other aspects of the sport
I should never berate my opponent by trash talking, taunting, or showboating
Work at achieving my personal best and not get discouraged if it is not the best
Show appreciation for good swimmers and good races, even by opponents
Control my temper and not show-off
Play fair at all times
For the Parents/Guardians and Spectators
Remember that young athletes should always play for their fun
Teach my young athlete that honest effort is just as important as winning
Provide plenty of encouragement to my young athlete because that's the best way to help him/her learn
Encourage all sportsmanlike behavior
Applaud the volunteer effort of coaches and officials
Remember that young athletes will only remember what we teach them. Fair play and good sportsmanship begin at home
Acceptable standards of spectator behavior include:
Remember that the players are children and are playing for their enjoyment, not yours.
Remain seated in the spectator area during the games.
Respect decisions made by contest officials.
Be a role model by positively supporting teams and by not shouting instructions or criticism to the players, coaches or officials. Do not coach from the stands.
Make no derogatory comments or gestures to players, coaches, parents of the opposing team, officials or league administrators.
Participating teams and their coaches are responsible for the conduct of their spectators.
Any spectator who displays poor sportsmanship may be removed from the facility by an official, their team coach, a league official or the host gym person-in- charge.
Any spectator who interferes with the conduct of a CYO activity may, at the discretion of the spectator’s parish, league, or the Diocese, be barred from attendance at subsequent CYO activities.