CYO events are played using the current National Federation of State High School Associations Rulebooks.
Whenever possible, coaches should have the parents arrange for the transportation of their own children.
In the event that a volunteer coach transports other children, or parents are arranged to transport other children, the following procedures MUST be followed:
Drivers must be over 21(preferably over 25 years of age). All drivers must be screened carefully. Age and health as well as
physical and mental condition should be considered. -
Drivers must provide to the athletic director evidence of a valid, unrestricted drivers license.
The driver must produce evidence of liability insurance on the vehicle to the used. A $100,000 per person / $300,000 per
accident limit of liability is to be a minimum. -
One seat belt must be provided for and used by each vehicle occupant.
No more than nine persons, including the driver may be transported in any private vehicle. No one may ride in the bed of pickup trucks, nor may motorcycles be used.
ADDING PLAYERS TO ROSTER - The deadline for adding players to the roster shall be the day before the first league game of that team. Children who move into the parish after the deadline may be added to the roster.
CHANGE OF RESIDENCE - If a child on a CYO roster changes residence (i.e., where parents or legal guardians reside) during a season, the child has the option of playing with the new parish or the former parish for the remainder of the season, if league rules allow and the former parish approves. The season is as defined on the Diocesan CYO Calendar as the first day for practice for that sport until the last day for playoffs. Leagues may amend the deadline for additions to the roster, particularly where preseasons are of short duration.
ONE CYO TEAM - Once a child commits himself/herself to a roster, he/she must remain on it until the end of the season, unless otherwise provided for in these bylaws. A child may play on only one CYO team per sport.
Contests are more fun when the score is close. There is no place in CYO to humiliate an opponent. When ahead with a large lead in basketball, coaches are expected to instruct their players not to trap at half court, to play a tight zone and not to fast break, slowing the tempo of the game. All non-starters should play extensively. Coaches who run up the score may be suspended.
The parishes and leagues, under the supervision of the Diocesan CYO Office, shall enforce this code. Complaints regarding violations of this code shall first be brought to the attention of the athletic directors of the parishes/schools involved. Coaches, participants or spectators may be placed on probation or suspended from CYO activities for their actions.
Each parish should insure that in each grade and each sport all parochial school and religious education children who sign up and fulfill program requirements will be placed on a team and will participate. Other children may then be placed on a team subject to available positions.
Parishes or leagues should insure that parish affiliated children have a fair opportunity to participate in CYO programs. Parishes should insure that sign ups are advertised for parish-affiliated children. Returning players do not have priority in team positions over parish affiliated children.
If league rules allow and parish resources are limited, parishes and leagues may restrict participation to parochial school children for a particular sport.
Complaints regarding sportsmanship in matters of eligibility shall follow the process of protest and appeals.
There must be two adults, 18 years of age or older, present at all CYO activities. One of the adults must be a CYO certified coach. In accordance with diocesan policy, an adult of the same gender as the players MUST be present at all practices and games. An adult coach must never be alone with children. Coaches must be certain that there is a sufficient number of adults to adequately supervise each activity.
Each league shall have their own clearly stated policy on protests and appeals. Eligibility protests shall follow the usual procedure for protest and appeals. Minimum standards of protest (unless superseded by league rules) are:
Protest shall be made to the league in writing within 48 hours of the incident. A rule protest must be made at the time of the infraction and must be registered at that time to both officials and the opposing coach with appropriate information noted on the scoresheet. The game shall continue after the protest has been registered. Protests will not be accepted disputing a judgment call by the official.
A fee of $25.00 shall accompany all protests.
Protests shall be filed to allow sufficient time for the league to render a decision.
Persons are not eligible for Sportsmanship or Protest Committee if their school/ parish is involved in the protest.
Decisions of the league may be appealed to a Diocesan
Only boys are eligible to compete in boy’s sports (boys basketball).
Only girls are eligible to compete in girl’s sports (girls basketball, girls volleyball).
For co-ed teams, Swim and Track, events are broken down by gender.
In each sport, the "all play" rules guarantee each child minimum playing time.
Coaches, under the supervision of their athletic directors, should be certain that all players receive playing time beyond the minimum.
A child may participate in a grade higher than the actual grade in which he/she is enrolled.
A child may not participate in a grade lower than the grade in which he/she is enrolled
All ages shall be verified with proof of age. The following are valid as proof of age:
Birth certificate or photo copy.
Baptismal certificate or photo copy.
Legal proof of birth or photo copy.
For Catholic school students only, annual certification from official school records by the Catholic school principal. This is accomplished by annually completing the form located on the reverse of the official CYO roster.
In exceptional cases, a signed statement of principal or religious education Coordinator attesting to date of birth - one name per statement.
Parishes shall turn in to the league proof of age along with team rosters before the first league game of that team. Children who have not submitted legal proof of age to the league shall be considered ineligible players until that proof is supplied. In track and field, proof of age shall be kept by the parish track coordinator and shall be displayed at the request of proper section and diocesan officials.
CYO is fun for the players and is not a spectator sport. Coaches must always be positive, praising and instructing, not shouting negatively or demeaning players. Good coaches build self esteem and emphasize the skills and social aspects of sports, rather than concentrating on winning. Parents must be supportive and not place undue pressure on their children to succeed. All in CYO must keep the outcome of the game in perspective.