Outdoor Practices will begin the week of April 9th at Lynbrook South:
Monday Boys K -3.................6:00pm -7:00pm
Tuesday Girls K - 3................6:00pm -7:00pm
Wednesday Boys 4 -8............6:00pm -7:00pm
Thursday Girls 4 -8................6:00pm -7:00pm
Indoor Practices will begin the week of March 19th and continue the week of March 26th
Boys K -3................ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Boys 4 - 8............... 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm
Girls K - 6................ 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm
The team practices at Lynbrook South.
Lynbrook South (Off Union Ave)
Each year, we work with the athletic dept of Lynbrook HS to find places for our teams to practice. We traditionally practice in the evening around 6 pm.
The sessions are broken up by the girls and boys teams and the number of runners each has.
While the parish program is based on gender, age, and sportsmanship.
However, children do need to come to the practices that the coaches plan. Practices help teach the kids the learn the ability to do the best they can.
In order to compete in the meets, practicing is essential.
The main rule is “Finish what you start” and Finish every Race!
While winning a medal is their goal, it is not always attainable for every boy or girl in a race. We expect every child to run hard, and be respectful of those that outperform us in any event. We do not condone any disrespectful attitude and behavior towards kids not only on other teams, but our team as well.
Focus on your performance, and how you can improve - let your feet do your talking!