Who is eligible to participate?
Any children, grades K thru 12, who reside in the parish boundaries of St Raymond’s Church. In addition, children residing outside of the boundaries but are registered parishioners of St Raymond’s or attended St Raymond’s elementary school.
Who are the administrators/coaches of this program?
The administrators are volunteers that are appointed to a governing board by incumbent board members. The coaches are volunteers and are in most cases, but not all cases, parents of the children participating. These volunteers are all required to be vetted and must undergo a CYO-sponsored coaching sanctioning in addition to a diocesan-sponsored Virtus training before participating.
Who does the program compete against?
Our program competes against other area parish programs in the immediate geographic vicinity of East Rockaway/Lynbrook. Namely OLP in Lynbrook, St Anthony’s in Oceanside, St Agnes in Rockville Centre, to name a few.
Who/what is CYO and what is their mission/charter?
CYO stands for the Catholic Youth Organization. It is a recognized church ministry by the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Our program is administrated locally by our Parish CYO board and by the Nassau/Suffolk offices. CYO’s mission is below, taken from its website:
"Sport, because of the wholesome elements it gives value to and exalts, may become more and more a vital instrument for the moral and spiritual elevation of the human person and therefore contribute to the construction of an orderly, peaceful and hardworking society."
The Church approves and encourages sports seeing it in a form of gymnastics of the body and of the spirit, a training for social relations based on respect for others and for one’s own person and an element of social cohesion which also fosters friendly relations...
-- Pope John Paul II
Who requires a uniform and what grades wear the “legacy” vs. the new vs. just t-shirts?
Our program just underwent a uniform upgrade but some grades remain with our old legacy types in order to save costs to the parents.
Season 2024/25: Grades 8th thru 12th continue to wear the old legacy. Grades 3rd thru 7th are wearing the new, upgraded uniforms, and simple t-shirts are worn by clinic participants in grades K thru 2nd. There may be some exceptions to this and parents are always advised to confirm with coaches before purchase.
Who do I contact if I am interested in coaching basketball?
Please contact Kevin O'Hanlon – Basketball Program Coordinator via email at kayzero@aol.com .
What skill level does my child need to be in order to participate?
Our program welcomes all skill levels.
What are the eligibility requirements for play-offs?
Grades 5th thru 12th levels have play-offs at the end of the regular season. They are single-elimination and require finishing in the top 3 positions(1st, 2nd, or 3rd) of season’s standings within their respective division.
What is the policy for switching teams?
We are rarely ever able to accommodate the switching of rosters unless there are extremely compelling reasons to do so.
What is the refund policy of the program?
Refunds will not be issued once the season begins or on uniforms.
Where are games/practices for basketball held?
Practices are held during the weeknights at either St Raymond’s gym, Marion Street School, Waverly Park School, and Rhame Ave School.
Games are exclusively held at St Raymond’s gym for home games. Away games are played in the neighboring parish’s facilities as stipulated on the schedules administered by Nassau/Suffolk CYO.
Where may I purchase a uniform and how do I know what # to have printed on it?
Always verify with your coach on the purchase of uniforms and number printing. The website for ordering is Home | St. Raymonds (inksoft.com)
3rd grade teams are ordered in bulk upon receipt of completed order forms from the coaches.
Where are the parish boundaries of St Raymond’s Church?
Review the Parish Boundary Street List and Map located in the "Handouts" section of the main St. Raymond's CYO homepage.
Where may I find the latest rules/changes on-line?
Go to www.cyons.org.
When does the practices/season start/end?
Girls grades K thru 2nd is mid-November thru mid-February
Girls grades 3rd thru 12th is early September thru early January
Boys grades K thru 2nd is mid-November thru mid-February
Boys grades 3rd thru 8th is mid-November thru mid-February
Boys High School – early September thru end of October (JV/Varsity players permitted)
Boys High School – January thru early March (JV/Varsity players NOT permitted)
When are games/practices?
Practices are held on weeknights at local schools gymnasiums.
Games are predominantly but not exclusively on the weekends.
When is the schedule of games made available?
It is always advised to check with coach on when the availability of the game schedule will be on-line at www.cyons.org.
How do I get my child on a certain team? Why was I not placed on the team/coach I requested?
While we always try our best to accommodate these requests, not all may be honored due to player quantities registered. In fairness to our volunteers we are always hopeful to equally allocate player quantities evenly across all coaches in that grade level.
How much is basketball registration?
The fee to register per child in player is $150. Our program offers a family cap at $425 per family.
How may I expect our assigned coach to be in communication?
Coaches preference vary but predominantly via email and texting. Be sure to include your cell# AND email at registration.
How is playing time determined in games?
Predominantly coaches discretion based upon players’ participation/attendance in practice, physical conditions of players, and the variable nature of game-time situations.
How may I find driving directions to away games that require travel?
Go to www.cyons.org for venue addresses and directions.